Text Proof Web

Easy-to-use, web-based text inspection system enables verification of multiple documents in different languages, different layouts, different file formats, in a single analysis session. Intuitive and efficient, it avoids any kind of error on the text content ideal for verification of leaflets, packaging, brochures, folding cartons, labels and more.

pc text proof web



Text Proof Web ensures that the text in both documents is always correct. The system parses all types of text, including right-to-left text.


Text Proof Web finds and lists formatting changes, such as bold, italic, underline, superscript, subscript, font, etc.


During comparison, Pictograms are recognized and classified


Text Proof Web supports all Unicode-based languages.


Compares tables automatically using intelligent improvement algorithms.


Recognizes and decodes all common kinds of bar and 2D codes.


Text Proof Web can run multiple comparison workflows, text flow, QRD documents. Compare One to One and One to Many. A useful function for all types of document.


Integrated spellchecker. All official languages of the EU and many other languages are available.


It can automatically exclude from comparison, irrelevant areas, e.g., bulleted lists, hyphenations, page numbers, quotation marks, technical data. The user can choose these settings independently

TEXT PROOF WEB is entirely web-based, runs on any operating system and is fully GMP, Annex 11 and CFR 21 validated.



    Pixel Proof Workflow

    In a manual job of designing an Artwork and visually inspecting the incoming Printed material, human error is always possible and not easy to detect. Thanks to the Pixel Proof Workflow solution the digital inspection system, recognizing a small divergence between versions of Artwork and between its approved reference and the physical reference sample is simply a matter of a moment.

    A few well-defined and easy-to-understand steps, each of which can be activated only if you have completed the previous step, will guide you through the delicate task of checking for every tiny divergence in your analysis, Everything will be tracked by the Audit trail, both System and Project and documented in the final report. Your project will be saved in a dedicated and secure data base, viewable at any time, with the peace of mind and certainty of using a widely certified and validated GMP5, FDA 21 part 11, ISO 9001/2015, Annex 11 and Data Integrity system.

    The Pharmaceutical Industry is our main sector of reference so much so that we are counted among the first places in the world ranking for the number of off-line installations of Packaging Inspection and Control systems in this sector, both in Italy and in the rest of the World.

    Not surprisingly, the first version of Pixel Proof was born with the valuable support of the expertise provided by BAYER Headquarters in Leverkusen, where the collaboration continues to this day.

    The many features present in Pixel Proof WorkFlow, such as access to three user levels, the triple-check function with electronic signatures of the operator, reviewer, and approver, as well as the continuous functional evolutions constantly released, make our inspection system a model to be emulated.


    Automatically inspects graphics files with precision going down to the single pixel, hence the name Pixel Proof. A digital file overlay, it detects any deviations between version changes ensuring that there are no errors.

    It compares different file formats:

    icona tiff icona pdf icona png icona jpg

    Detects differences between different file types created during the graphic creation process.

    Pixel Proof WorkFlow checks all deviations found on materials received after the printing stage.

    Incoming materials received, usually taken at random by batch number, are thus inspected for congruity with the printing plates.

    Ink stains, smudges, printing defects, anything that diverges from the approved master file is highlighted to the operator performing the inspection, only in this way can the divergence be accepted as a deviating error or not.

    Pixel Proof WorkFlow automatically checks for 1D, 2D, Datamatrix QR Code barcodes.

    It decodes the content and returns the print quality of them through a laser gun reading simulation on 10 horizontal levels. The reference ISOs are 15415 for Datamatrix and ISO 15416 for Barcodes.

    barcode scanner

    Thanks to the Konika Minolta Spectrophotometer we can check the Delta Color of our materials and include its values in the final report of the analysis.

    spettofotometro konica minolta

    With xRite’s Exact Spectrophotometer, in addition to the Delta value we can check and add the color pantone number to the report.

    exact xrite

    Braille dot distances are measured and verified by two dedicated scanners.

    The basis for comparison of this methodology is encapsulated in the “Marburg Medium” Braille specifications. The quality and heights of the elevations are precisely verified. The value for each individual Braille point will be shown on the screen and included within the End of Inspection Report.

    Complies with European pharmaceutical legislation (Directive 2001/83/EG-Humankodex) and the German Drugs Act (§ 10 paragraph 1b AMG), as well as DIN EN 15823.


    controllo braille

    scanner image access wide




    Folding boxes


    Flexible packaging materials



    The Version created for the Quality Control Manager. It simplifies the work of viewing projects and approving them. Thanks to this version, it is possible to approve or reject analyses from any location without having to log in on the project analysis system. Also from the same it is possible to a management of Audittrails, with search and approval functions.

    The must-have Version for verifying Press Plates and Files to be sent to press. The PRE PRESS Version is a file-to-file control system that secures pre-press processes ensuring the release of a file that is ready for printing but free of errors. The main function is to detect the presence of any discrepancies, if any, between the approved reference and subsequent versions to it, ensuring that no errors or unintentional changes are present in the pre-press file or in the Digital Print Sheets. This version also includes the VIEWER version.

    The Dedicated Laboratory Version for Quality Control. PIXEL PROOF WORKFLOW PRINT Version is a powerful inspection system to verify the quality of all types of printed samples by comparing them with an approved reference. In this way companies are able to detect defects generated by printing that if missed can create both economic damage with product recalls and image damage to their brand.

    Pixel Proof WorkFlow PRINT Version with its powerful analysis engine makes use of an easy and intuitive graphical interface, guiding the operator through its analysis path without neglecting any detail. For scanning physical samples it uses high resolution quality scanners, both flat and rotary whose certified range can be seen on this site. This version also includes the PRE PRESS version.

    The Version for complete total control of Braille Dot Heights and Color Pantone. PIXEL PROOF WORKFLOW FULL Version contains all previous versions and in addition provides interfaces with the range of Spectrophotometers and Scanners for measuring Braille dot heights. Increased Quality Control and a decrease in time and money are a certainty. This version also includes the PRINT version.

    pixel proof workflow di stampa

    All versions of Pixel Proof WorkFlow except VIEWER monitor and analyze:

    • Electronic Signature
    • Multiple project management
    • Audittrail, user and system management
    • User management on three levels of access
    • Single user license or client-server installation
    • Barcode management, print quality, decoding
    • QR code management, print quality, decoding
    • Datamatrix management, print quality, decoding
    • Data Base management, archived and inspectable projects
    • Braille management, text translation (height measurement with WideTek Scanner)”


    • Pixel Proof WORKFLOW is a guided inspection and verification process based on a standard WorkFlow engine (inspection Workflows can be created / configured according to customer procedure).
    • The system guides the user step by step through the entire process, eliminating the risk of skipping a step. The authorized access function to the system, structured on 3 levels, ensures proper use of the system.
    • Traceability and Compliance: captures, stores and classifies, grafies defects, layouts and creates individual reports. All digital reports are firmed electronically and can be used to detect defects and optimize the production.


    • New technology applied significantly increases performance through multiprocessing and multicomputing.
    • The new and modern user interface, guides the operator through the inspection flow, avoiding routine errors, ensuring a more efficient validation of the quality control process.
    • The powerful new comparison engine, allows inspection under any circumstances using various overlay modes, e.g., deviations in low-contrast areas (even with independent colors).


    • Workflow-based (process-driven) software.
    • High performance due to multiprocessing and multi
    • Multipage document comparison with scanning
    • Integration with document management systems through
    • Integration with multiple automation engines
    • Innovative customizable reports
    • Group validation
    • Multiple error processing






      Eye4Task is the software platform built by HeadApp to support field workers using Wearable, AI, AR and IoT technologies to achieve the highest level of accuracy, environmental awareness and safety, while minimizing the need for specialized training.

      Adopting augmented reality as a remote support tool is the fastest and most effective way for a company to ensure immediate support for its customers.

      It allows for a preliminary remote assessment of defects or malfunctions and for any interventions to be planned in advance and without travel.


      In the current global crisis, AR technology can give continuity to production processes and solve problems already known in Field Service: lack of senior figures, weak training, which is limited to ineffective standard tools, difficulties in ensuring speed and safety during field operations.

      It enables specialized advice to be provided globally and field technicians to connect with experts remotely for assistance.


      Companies willing to use AR technology, have the opportunity to achieve significant results by being able to remotely manage maintenance activities, inspections and give support to their customers and field workers, even in special situations such as during the Covid-19 pandemic.

      Eye4Task is a collaborative platform, able to take full advantage of the capabilities of smart glasses and other handheld devices, which by ensuring hands-free collaboration between production resources has as its main goal the zeroing of distances between field workers and the company Know-How given by the set of People, Processes and Information.



      Eye4Task is the key to automating the processes of control and execution of individual steps, with a precise, high-performance system that can drastically reduce the danger of making human errors in even complex operations, which until now have always been conducted with the risk of wasting time and risking errors in execution.

      Thanks to Eye4Task, one is able to optimize all operations and lighten the document compilation phase, taking advantage of barcodes, for example, with the help of smart glasses to send voice commands for displaying data and information.


      Eye4Task is the augmented reality software platform for remote support, which can give valuable help to those working in the field, even in critical contexts, to perform complex tasks and be guided by experts remotely located anywhere in the world, so as to:

      • manage customer support without the need to send experts to the field anymore
      • digitize and remotize inspections, audits and certifications
      • train technicians by simulating operational contexts in virtual reality.

      These some application possibilities:

      • Through audio video collaboration via Smart’n, leveraging augmented reality collaborative tools, the field operator receives precise information about what he or she needs to do ensuring accuracy and safety of the operator compared to using cell phone or other handheld devices.
      • Exploiting low-immersion glasses, the field operator maintains full awareness of the surroundings therefore working safely.

      assistenza remota

      • By taking advantage of the smartIgasses’ voice commands, and the ability to interact with procedures or checklists hands-free, the inspector can safely gather information in the field, objectifying his activity in real time.
      • The inspector will be able to normalize the collected data in real time, significantly reducing the time for report generation.
      • Ability to make inspection evidentiary, through integration with systems for signature.
      • Through the integration of Eye4Task with IOT systems already present in the company, the inspector can be informed in real time about any safety issues such as (gas leaks, or any other information related to the activity they are performing).
      • By integrating Eye4Task with a digital identity management system issued by a cedificafion Autority, such as Infoced, it will be possible to make the results of the activity carried out provatory.

      Ispezione e audit

      • By leveraging Eye4Task’s integration with warehouse management systems, the operator can interact with service orders related to individual packages, maintaining focus on the task and reducing errors.
      • Operations performed are synchronized with the warehouse management system.
      • Using voice commands, the operator can carry out his or her task using all the PPE provided by his or her operation.

      collaudi e workflow di magazzino

      • In the case of recurring activities, the experienced operator can use the smart glasses camera to record podcasts in first perspective, which appropriately indexed will be made available on the knowledse base for the benefit of other operators.
      • The experienced operator can enable real-time streaming for the benefit of junior operators distributed throughout the territory.

      training e trasferimento competenze

      The Eye4Task platform enables the creation, assignment and storage of checklists, for those operating within the Pixel Proof Workflow solution, in order to validate the processes of routine maintenance phases.

      It enables faster plant and product certification through a standardized process, with inspection reports issued in real time. Also available with legal validity.

      pixel proof software esempio

      Furthermore, in the current global situation, AR technology can be used to give continuity to production processes and solve problems already known in Field Service: lack of senior figures, weak training, which is limited to ineffective standard tools, difficulties in ensuring speed and safety during field operations.

      It allows specialized advice to be provided globally and field technicians to connect with experts remotely for assistance.


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        Address: Via G. Rossini, 16/18
        52028 Terranuova B.ni (AR)

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